AMCIO Smart Fire helmet

AMICO intelligent fire helmet is an intelligent fire wearing equipment developed by experts in many fields such as fire protection, optoelectronics, communication, microelectronics, mechanical and electrical, and structure in combination with the needs of combat training in the field of fire protection after many years of hard work。

Through the smoke: using infrared image enhancement, noise reduction and other technologies

Near-eye display: private wireless projection screen and other technologies

Environment awareness: Integration of multiple sensors

Wireless image transmission: low delay image transmission

Multi-mode communication: using public network, AD hoc network, WIFI, Bluetooth multi-mode communication technology

AR remote collaboration

When major failures occur in large equipment, large equipment, and important instruments, there will be problems that are difficult for ordinary maintenance personnel to solve, difficult transportation, high transportation costs, and urgent maintenance tasks。
      The operator can use AR helmet, AR glasses, mobile phone, PAD and other devices to broadcast live audio and video information to the expert's work side, and the expert can use the remote guidance platform and the operator to conduct audio and video interaction and graphic annotation to guide the on-site maintenance personnel to quickly solve the equipment failure。The maintenance efficiency is improved and the maintenance cost is reduced。

  • Operation site

  • Remote expert

XR virtual simulation teaching

XR Education series software is dedicated to using XR technology to solve the problem of matching traditional education and training with advanced XR technology。With high-quality traditional education and training resources as the core, according to real equipment and scene simulation, improve the "learning, practice, performance, examination" education and training system to create immersive, highly simulated, interactive virtual training。

XR education series software breaks the limitations of existing VR software, AR software, MR Software, can be applied to desktop, mobile, AR glasses, XR glasses and other devices at the same time, with good equipment practicability, can make full use of existing electronic equipment, save unnecessary equipment investment。

  • XR Laboratory

  • XR training room

  • XR Smart Classroom

  • XR courseware

  • XR technology research

Three-dimensional virtual training

"The text is inferior to the table, the table is inferior to the graph" means: in understanding the principle of complex things, the table is superior to the text, the graph is superior to the table。---- This is the experience summed up by the famous aircraft designer of our country, Mr. Cheng Jian。In the manufacturing industry, the combination of diagrams has become a popular form of processing and assembly guidance documents。With the continuous maturity of 3D drawing software, more and more enterprises are using more intuitive 3D drawings as guidance documents for processing and assembly。

The system converts drawings and process files into interactive multimedia forms.

The operator can use AR helmet/glasses, mobile phone, PAD, display and other devices,

Viewing 3D instruction files in multimedia form;

Can quickly, accurately and easily complete complex processing and assembly tasks,

Make work easier and easier!

AR electronic manual

Any product must be delivered with installation, maintenance, and operation instructions, and the instructions for a complex product or equipment can run to thousands of pages or more。This kind of traditional instruction manual is usually difficult to retrieve, difficult to understand, difficult to learn and so on。

The 3D electronic manual allows users to easily understand it through interactive multimedia

How to install, maintain and use the product;

Greatly save the customer's learning time;

Improve the customer experience!


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